Choosing the On-Site Amenities for a Multifamily Building

Are you looking to keep your current renters happy while attracting new ones? The key may be in choosing the right on-site amenities for your building. At our boutique company, we’ve seen firsthand the difference the right amenities can make in residential complexes. That’s why we are the best multifamily contractor in the Dallas, TX area to help you navigate the process and choose the amenities that will make the biggest impact on your specific property.

Why You Need a Multifamily Contractor to Help You Choose On-Site Amenities

We know what you might be thinking: “Choosing amenities can be expensive and time-consuming. Will it really make that big of a difference?” We get it. It’s easy to focus on the bottom line and forget about the impact amenities can have on the tenant experience. But here’s the thing: amenities can be a major selling factor for potential renters. They can also make current tenants more valued and willing to renew their leases.

We have the experience to help you choose the popular amenities best for your property in the Dallas, TX area. Let’s take a look at some of the most popular trends that will keep your renters happy and your property thriving.

Pet-Friendly Amenities

Why Is It Important?

As a pet owner, finding the right home can be a challenge. Many apartment complexes have strict policies on pets, making it difficult for pet owners to find a comfortable living space for both themselves and their furry friends. Buildings that offer dog parks and pet amenities can be a game-changer for pet owners and something they’re happy to pay more to have.

How Will It Benefit My Residents?

Happy pets make for happy owners. Many pet owners consider their pets’ needs a top priority, and offering pet-friendly options can be a significant selling point for potential renters.

What Are Some Examples of Pet-Friendly Amenities?

On-Site Dog Parks

On-Site dog parks are a great way for dog owners to exercise their companions, stay active themselves, and socialize with other pet owners in the building.

Pet Washing Stations

Pet washing stations offer pet owners the convenience of washing their pets without leaving the building. Stations can be very basic or border on the luxurious.

Pet Grooming Services

Some buildings have on-site groomers that provide different services for a fee. This is usually very convenient for pet owners and a highly desired amenity.

Sustainable Transportation

Why Is It Important?

The importance of green transportation in today’s world cannot be overstated. As we continue to grapple with climate change, we must all do our part to reduce our carbon footprint.

Offering green transportation options to your renters is not only an environmentally responsible choice but also a practical one. By reducing the number of cars on the road, we can decrease congestion, improve air quality, and create a safer environment for all.

How Will It Benefit My Residents?

With the cost of owning a car rising each year, providing alternative options can significantly reduce transportation costs for your residents. Additionally, encouraging tenants to bike instead of driving also promotes physical activity and a healthier lifestyle.

What Are Some Examples of On-Site Sustainable Transportation?

  • Provide bike storage and repair stations
  • Provide electric vehicle charging stations
  • Offer car-sharing services such as Zipcar, Car2Go, or Getaround

Lockers for Deliveries

Why Is It Important?

Package delivery is a challenge for many residential complexes. With the rise of online shopping, residents expect packages to be delivered directly to their door, which can create a significant workload for property managers while also increasing the chance of theft.

How Will It Benefit My Residents?

By providing a touch-free delivery system for packages, residents can feel safe and secure while still receiving their packages in a timely manner.

What Are Some Examples of Delivery Lockers?

Some examples are Amazon Hub Locker, Luxer One, and Parcel Pending. These systems offer a variety of services including 24/7 access, real-time package tracking, and text or email notifications when a package has been delivered.

Smart Technology

Why Is It Important?

In today’s world, smart technology plays a significant role in our daily lives, and residential buildings are no exception.

How Will It Benefit My Residents?

Smart technology offers a range of benefits, including increased efficiency, improved security, and energy savings.

What Are Some Examples of Smart Technology?

Smart Locks

With smart locks, residents can use their smartphones to lock and unlock their doors, eliminating the need for traditional keys. Lost or stolen keys can be easily deactivated, which provides a layer of added security.

Smart Thermostats

These thermostats learn residents’ habits and adjust the temperature accordingly, reducing energy usage and lowering utility bills.

Smart Lighting

Smart lighting can reduce energy usage by turning off lights when not in use.

Eco-Friendly Amenities

Why Is It Important?

Sustainability and environmentally-friendly living have become a top priority for many individuals and families today. As a result, multifamily buildings are expected to meet certain standards of eco-friendliness to attract and retain tenants.

How Will It Benefit My Residents?

By offering eco-friendly amenities, complexes will reduce their environmental impact and lower utility bills for their residents.

What Are Some Examples of Eco-Friendly Amenities?

Energy Efficient Appliances

By investing in appliances rated highly in energy efficiency, such as refrigerators, washing machines, and dryers, complexes can lower their energy consumption and reduce their carbon footprint. In addition, residents will appreciate the cost savings that come with lower energy savings.

Solar Panels

Installing solar panels on the roof of a multifamily building can generate clean, renewable energy. Residents will enjoy the eco-friendliness of the building and the potential reduced cost.

Water-Saving Fixtures

Low-flow toilets, faucets, and shower heads reduce water usage and conserve resources while lowering utility bills for residents. Installing a rainwater harvesting system can also be an innovative way to conserve water and reduce the environmental impact of a busy building. 

Unconventional Amenities

Why Is It Important?

While traditional amenities like a fitness center or a pool are always popular, offering unconventional amenities can make your building stand out from the competition and attract desirable, new tenants.

How Will It Benefit My Residents?

Unique amenities not only create a memorable experience for residents but also encourage social interaction and community-building.

What Are Some Examples of Unconventional Amenities?

A Zen Garden

An unconventional item that appeals to individuals seeking a sense of tranquility and calm is a community Zen meditation garden. A garden that offers a peaceful environment with calming greenery, water features, and natural stone structures can provide residents with a relaxing retreat from life’s everyday stresses.

A Rock Wall

One unusual amenity that is increasingly becoming popular is indoor/outdoor rock climbing walls. These walls provide a challenging and exciting physical activity for residents and can be designed to suit different skill levels. You will attract adventurous and active individuals by offering a unique and engaging feature like a rock wall.

A Movie Theater

Private movie theaters offer residents a luxurious and entertaining experience. Residential buildings can invest in state-of-the-art audio and visual equipment, comfortable seating, and even offer food and drink service to create a unique and enjoyable movie-going adventure. Private movie theaters are a great way to build a sense of community among residents and provide an exciting amenity that sets the complex apart.

Offering a range of on-site amenities is essential for residential complexes to attract and retain tenants. By selecting the right mix of amenities, multifamily building owners and managers can create a unique and desirable living experience for their tenants. Do you want to know more about current popular amenities? Give us a call today at Sayan Renovations & Construction! We are THE multifamily contractor to hire for innovative and high-quality construction.